Quality assurance is the process of ensuring that data meets a certain minimum standard of quality before it is used for analysis. This typically includes checking for things like spelling errors, grammatical errors, and formatting issues. Quality assurance can be performed manually or automatically, but it is generally seen as a necessary step in ensuring accurate results from text analytics.
Outside of the text analytics Industry, Quality assurance (QA) is a process or set of processes used to assess whether a product or service meets specified requirements.
There are many different types of Quality Assurance processes, but they all share some common features. Quality Assurance processes typically involve creating a set of standards or requirements against which a product or service can be measured and then testing the product or service to see if it meets those standards.
Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control
It is important to distinguish between Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Quality Control (QC) is a process or set of processes used to assess whether a product or service meets specified requirements. Quality Control processes typically involve testing a product or service to see if it meets the specified requirements. Quality Assurance, on the other hand, is a process or set of processes used to ensure that a product or service meets specified requirements. Quality Assurance processes typically involve creating a set of standards or requirements against which a product or service can be measured and then testing the product or service to see if it meets those standards.