Notes remote procedure call

Notes remote procedure call (RPC) is a method of communication between two software applications. RPCs are typically used to request information or services from a server application, and can be thought of as a type of API call.

RPCs are commonly used in the text analytics industry in order to interface with third-party text analysis software. For example, a text analytics company may use an RPC to request text processing services from a server that specializes in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

It should be noted that the term RPC can mean different things outside of the context of text analytics. In general, an RPC is any method of communication between two software applications. For example, in the context of distributed computing, an RPC is a way for a client application to request services from a server application.

RPCs should not be confused with remote procedure calls (RPCs), which are a specific type of API call. Remote procedure calls are typically used to request services from a remote server, and are commonly used in distributed computing.

Notes RPCs are different from both text analytics RPCs and remote procedure calls. Notes RPCs are a type of API call that can be used to request information or services from a Notes server. Notes RPCs are commonly used in the Lotus Notes software application.

In summary, there are three main types of RPC: text analytics RPCs, remote procedure calls, and Notes RPCs. Text analytics RPCs are a type of API call that is used to request text processing services from a server. Remote procedure calls are a type of API call that is used to request services from a remote server. Notes RPCs are a type of API call that is used to request information or services from a Notes server.

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