Facet value is used to refer to the value of a particular facet. A facet is a piece of information about a document, and a value is a specific instance of that facet. Facet values can be used for a variety of purposes, including search, filtering, and aggregation. They are often used in conjunction with other text analytics concepts, such as entities and topics.
When used in search, facet values can help you to filter your results. For example, if you are looking for documents about “John Smith,” you can use the facet value “author” to filter your results. This will help you to find only those documents that have “John Smith” as the author.
When used in filtering, facet values can help you to find documents that match certain criteria. For example, if you are looking for documents about “John Smith” that were published in the last year, you can use the facet value “year” to filter your results. This will help you to find only those documents that have “John Smith” as the author and were published in the last year.
Facet values can also be used for aggregation. When used in aggregation, facet values can help you to group together similar documents. For example, if you are looking for all of the documents that mention “John Smith,” you can use the facet value “author” to aggregate your results. This will help you to find all of the documents that have “John Smith” as the author, regardless of whether they are about him or not.
Facet values are an important part of text analytics, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. It is important to keep in mind that they are specific to a particular document and that they may have a different meaning outside of the text analytics industry. When comparing facet values to other similar terms, keep in mind that facet values are more specific than topics or entities.